
Branching Narrative (Last Broadcast)
Wrote branching dialogue between player character and a caller from their past, Lyra. This is the reveal of Lyra's relation to the player character and her intentions.

TTRPG Design (Unbreakable: Feeding the River)
Wrote D&D 5e adventure, based on Thai and Cambodian mythology. The party is tasked to investigate the pollution in the river. Design goals were an open world and experimenting with incorporating Southeast Asian culture in minigames and lore.

World Design (Demiverse: Thalasso)
Wrote a demiplane called Thalasso inlcuding locations, people, lore, and potential encounters. Thalasso is a dark and dreary plane filled with aquatic horrors. This plane is covered in water except for one dock town.

Barks (D-Jay: Last Broadcast)
D-Jay is a washed up radio host playing their last show at the end of the world. Players never see the character so conveying the complex layers of the character through the voice direction was crucial.